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Association of Inhalation Toxicologists
Quick Links
This is the landing page for all payments to the AIT. Please select one of the options below for payment. Click the "Buy Now" or "Donate" button. Payments can be made by using PayPal. If you don't have a PayPal account then go into the PayPal payment area and then select the option below the PayPal log in box, "Pay by debit or credit card" and fill in your details.
Member Area Access (1 Year)
This link is for individuals who have not attended the AIT annual face to face conference in the previous three years (fee allows 1 year access at a cost of £50 GBP per year).
Consultant Listing (1 Year)
This link is for consultants who wish to be listed on the resource page (cost of £30 GBP per year)
Job Listing
This link is for employers who wish to have an open position listed on the jobs page (cost £200 GBP per job advert)
Other Payments
This link is for conference sponsors who may want to provide donations at any level
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